About the Hyperlite Drop 1.7" Wakesurf Fin - Pair

The Hyperlite Drop 1.7" Wakesurf Fin - Pair includes 2 surf fins and hardware. It has just enough bite to add a little bit more grip off the back foot but not so much that it's going to hinder your turning ability or speed down the line. The Hyperlite Drop 1.7" Wakesurf Fin - Pair is typically used as the trailer fins on the brands' Varial, SuperBrand and some DuraShell Wakesurfers.

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Hyperlite Drop 1.7" Wakesurf Fin - Pair

$24.99 $30.00 17% Off

1.7 in
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Hyperlite Drop 1.7" Wakesurf Fin - Pair
$24.99 $30.00 17% Off

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